1660 Route 25A • Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

Guided Programs for Schools & Groups

The Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium offers programs for students of every age. Programs listed below are suitable for pre-K through college. The grade level indicated for a program is only a suggestion. Specific topics and the level of presentation can be adapted for various ages and classes. We hope you, the teacher, will find a program that fits the needs of your class.

**Teachers and aides are free.  Chaperones pay the per person fee.  Minimum fees apply for each program.

Want to schedule a program?  Submit a Group Visit Request Form through email or Google Forms and we will contact you to schedule a program.  Please contact Krissy with any questions.
Email: krissyf@cshfishhatchery.org | Phone: (516) 692-6768

Hatchery & Aquarium Tours

All of the following programs are one hour in length, and will allow students to tour our entire facility and feed our hungry trout. Programs vary by topic, and focus on inquiry-based learning. Our extensive collection of fishes, amphibians and reptiles native to New York State allow students to observe wildlife rarely seen in captivity or in the wild. Can’t decide which program to choose? Combine two tours (Fins & Jaws, Aquatic Habitats, Life Cycles in Nature or Adaptations) for $12/person (1.5 hours, minimum fee $144).

guide_photo1-minFins & Jaws
Pre-K and K (age 4 and up)

1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
Discover the secret world of aquatic life! Students learn how fish swim and breathe in the water, and how some animals can live both in the water and on land. How do turtles differ from fish? How do frogs leap? Students will view all of our exhibits while learning the answers and then compare the needs of these animals to those of themselves.


guide_photo3-minAquatic Habitats
Grades 1-2
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
Utilizing our fascinating stream tank and other natural exhibits, students will compare the different habitats of fishes, reptiles and amphibians. Learn how turtles leave their watery home and trek over land to lay their eggs, and how many species can hibernate during winter in frozen ponds. Discover who eats whom and how animals protect themselves in the wild.


guide_photo2-minLife Cycles in Nature
Grades 1-2
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
At the Hatchery, we are seldom without baby trout and hatchling turtles! Students are able to view aquatic wildlife in all stages of their life cycles and learn how some lay eggs in water, while others lay eggs on land. Metamorphosis is discussed, as well as needs of the animals in their various stages.



Grades 3 and Up

1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
Our aquatic fish and animals have a fantastic array of adaptations that help them survive in the wild. Students will observe how fish and certain amphibians breathe dissolved oxygen under the water through gills, while many aquatic species have lungs and need to surface for air. Some species camouflage as a protective device, and certain frogs actually have sticky pads on their toes allowing them to climb trees!


guide_photo5-minHatching Trout
Grades 4 and Up
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
As a working hatchery stocking ponds and lakes all over the state, we are experts on the life cycle of trout. Students will learn how eggs are collected from live trout and cared for at the Hatchery, and compare this process to trout spawning naturally in the wild. Students will observe the amazing attributes of trout at all stages of development, as well as tour our live exhibits.


guide_photo6-minReptiles & Amphibians
Grades 5 and Up
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
With the largest living collection of native reptiles and amphibians in New York State, the Hatchery is uniquely prepared to educate students on these fascinating creatures. Learn where these animals live, what they consume, how they protect themselves, and why many species are endangered. Students will be able to get up close and personal with a variety of amazing creatures.

Hatchery & Aquarium Tour – General
All Grades
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96

Through live animal encounters and feeding the hungry trout, students will learn about the aquatic animals that live in their communities.  Custom tours may touch on topics including the habitats, life cycles and adaptations of these animals.  Recommended for groups with a range in grade levels.

Seasonal Programs

Our seasonal programs are very popular for students of all ages. Make reservations for these programs early! These programs do not include a guided tour of the Fish Hatchery & Aquarium. We invite your students to spend time exploring our exhibits at the conclusion of the program. Fish food may be purchased in our Gift Shop.

DSC_0424copyEgg Stripping
Grades 4 and up, 1 Hour
$10 per person, Minimum fee $120
Late October through mid November
During the program, which is unique to our Hatchery, students will witness one of the most fascinating aspects of aquaculture! Hatchery staff demonstrates a centuries-old technique of fish breeding: egg taking and fertilization. Students will participate in a discussion of trout development, and a comparison of hatchery breeding and spawning in the wild. We participate in Trout in the Classroom! You can learn more about Trout in the Classroom by visiting their website: www.troutintheclassroom.org.




Pond LifePond Life
Grades 4 and up, 1 Hour
$10 per person, Minimum fee $120
Mid April through October
Observing specimens collected from our Spring Pond, students study the concepts of predator-prey and producer-consumer relationships, as well as the interdependence of all living organisms in the food web. Samples from the pond will be examined upon collection and under our microscope in the classroom.


guide_photo9-minFreshwater Ecology
Grades 4 and Up, 2 Hours
$12 per person, Minimum fee $144
Mid April through October
Explore and compare the inhabitants and characteristics of two freshwater ponds. After observing specimens from our Spring Pond, students will hike a nature trail and use dip nets, seines and buckets to actively investigate the animals and plants that live and interact in another aquatic site. Be prepared to get wet and muddy. Old shoes and clothes are necessary.

Guided Tours

Students will receive a guided tour of the Fish Hatchery & Aquarium. Our educators can answer your students many questions. Students will also feed our hungry trout. Please choose from one of the following topics for discussion during your guided tour.

Hatchery & Aquarium Tour
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
Tour through two aquarium buildings and our outdoor ponds to learn about New York native freshwater fishes, reptiles and amphibians. Feed the trout and learn more about our animals through live animal encounter presentations.


1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
Hatcheries are vital to the management of our aquatic resources. Students are introduced to the inner workings of the fish hatchery, how we keep fish disease free, how we use natural artesian well water to minimize energy consumption, and how fish are collected and delivered safely to their new homes. Students will be able to tour the trout ponds and have an opportunity to feed the hungry fish.


guide_photo5-minHatching Trout
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
As a working hatchery stocking ponds and lakes all over the state, we are experts on the life cycle of trout. Students will learn how eggs are collected from live trout and cared for at the Hatchery, and compare this process to trout spawning naturally in the wild. Students will observe the amazing attributes of trout at all stages of development, as well as tour our live exhibits.



guide_photo3-minReptiles & Amphibians
1 Hour, $8 per person, Minimum fee $96
With the largest living collection of native reptiles and amphibians in New York State, the Hatchery is uniquely prepared to educate students on these fascinating creatures. Learn where these animals live, what they consume, how they protect themselves, and why many species are endangered. Students will be able to get up close and personal with a variety of amazing creatures.



Seasonal Programs

Our seasonal programs are very popular for students of all ages. Make reservations for these programs early! These programs do not include a guided tour of the Fish Hatchery & Aquarium. We invite your students to spend time exploring our exhibits at the conclusion of the program. Fish food may be purchased in our Gift Shop.


DSC_0424copyEgg Stripping
1 Hour, $10 per person, Minimum fee $120
Late October through mid November
During the program, which is unique to our Hatchery, students will witness one of the most fascinating aspects of aquaculture! Hatchery staff demonstrates a centuries old technique of fish breeding: egg taking and fertilization. Students will participate in a discussion of trout development, and a comparison of hatchery breeding and spawning in the wild. We participate in Trout in the Classroom! You can learn more about Trout in the Classroom by visiting their website: www.troutintheclassroom.org.




guide_photo8-minPond Life
1 Hour, $10 per person, Minimum fee $120
Mid April through October
Observing specimens collected from our Upper Spring Pond, students study the concepts of predator-prey and producer-consumer relationships, as well as the interdependence of all living organisms in the food web. Samples from the pond will be examined upon collection and under our microscope in the classroom.


guide_photo9-minFreshwater Ecology
2 Hours, $12 per person, Minimum fee $144
Mid April through October
Explore and compare the inhabitants and characteristics of two freshwater ponds. After observing specimens from our Spring Pond, students will hike a nature trail and use dip nets, seines and buckets to actively investigate the animals and plants that live and interact in another aquatic site. Be prepared to get wet and muddy. Old shoes and clothes are necessary.


Virtual Field Trips

Let technology bring the Fish Hatchery to you!  Virtual Field Trips are now available through Zoom and Google Meet.  Small group sizes limited to one class per program ensure the students receive a personal and interactive experience.  Students will have many opportunities throughout the program to ask all of their unique questions.

Want to schedule a virtual program?  Send us a virtual program request form and we will contact you to schedule a program.  Please contact Krissy at krissyf@cshfishhatchery.org or (516) 692-6768 for additional information.

If your students are learning from inside the classroom, you can connect your computer to a TV or SMART board for everyone to see.  If they’re learning from home, they can connect individually through their personal computers.


Animal Encounter
Pre-K through Adult, 40 minutes, $200
Want to learn more about New York’s native reptiles and amphibians?  Join us for a virtual “field trip” to the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium.  See some of our animals up close and find out what makes these animals so special.  Available topics include: Fins & Jaws, Aquatic Habitats, Life Cycles in Nature, Adaptations, and Herpetology.


Egg Stripping/Trout in the Classroom
Grades 4 through Adult, 40 minutes, $230
Seasonal program only available from late October through mid-November
Witness one of the most fascinating aspects of aquaculture!  During this unique program, Hatchery staff will demonstrate the centuries-old technique of fish breeding: egg taking and fertilization.  Your students will watch our staff fertilize trout eggs in one of our trout ponds, all while discussing trout breeding and the importance of trout hatcheries.  *Trout in the Classroom schools who schedule an Egg Stripping program are eligible to pick up one free batch of fertilized brook trout eggs for your tank.  You can learn more about Trout in the classroom by visiting their website: troutintheclassroom.org.

Add-on option: Want to further discuss trout egg development and how we care for the eggs?  With the help of pictures and video clips, we will discuss the timeline of egg development and learn what is necessary to raise trout from eggs to fingerlings.  Participating in Trout in the Classroom?  This add-on program will give your students an additional opportunity to ask questions on how they can better care for their trout.  Program is approximately 25 minutes long and costs $100.  Does not have to be scheduled on the same day as your egg stripping demonstration. Be sure to let us know on your request form if you’d like to include this add-on option.


Pond Life
Grades 4 through Adult, 40 minutes, $200
Did you know that many insects begin their life living underwater?  Or that there is an insect responsible for giving us chocolate?  Learn about the fascinating, and often overlooked, macroinvertebrates that live below the surface of a pond.  With the help of photographs, students will discover how their anatomy helps them survive, how they fit into a complex food web, and why they are so important to the ecosystem.


Connect With The Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium

Join Our Email List for CSHFHA Events and Programs:

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Fish Sales

The Hatchery sells brook and rainbow trout for stocking purposes. If you are interested in purchasing trout, contact Steve DeSimone, Director, at (516) 692-6768. Trout pricing and delivery charges are subject to change. Please contact the Hatchery for the most up to date pricing. We’ll deliver a few dozen for backyard ponds or hundreds for sportsmen clubs. Place your orders early to ensure your preferred delivery date.

Where are the fish stocked?
Fish are stocked all over Long Island and eastern New York and as far north as the Adirondacks.
What time of year are fish stocked?
We stock fish year round, but mostly in the spring and fall due to cooler temperatures. The warmer weather in July and August is more stressful for the trout and makes it more difficult to transport them.
What type of pond is ideal for trout?
Trout require cold, highly oxygenated water (50-65°F), but can tolerate temperatures up to 70°F for short periods of time.
What type of trout do you sell?
We currently sell rainbow and brook trout
Where do the eggs come from?
We take our own brook trout eggs from on-site broodstock.
What size fish do you stock?
The majority of the fish we stock range from 10"-18" brook and rainbow trout.
Where does the water come?
The water comes from spring water and six artesian wells. We get 50-75 gallons per minute of spring water from the Upper Spring Pond and 325 gallons per minutes of well water. This water is at a constant 52°F all year long. No pumps are used to move water through the Hatchery. The springs and artesian wells flow naturally from underground pressure and a slight pitch on the Hatchery grounds allows water to flow freely through the trout ponds.
What about New York State Disease Inspections?
The Hatchery has not tested positive for any certifiable diseases.