The Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium is a great place for Scout groups to visit!
Want to schedule a program? Check with your Scouts’ parents to find a few possible dates before submitting a Scout Visit Request Form, and we will contact you to schedule a program. Please contact Krissy with any questions. To secure your date a $50 non-refundable deposit is due within one week of scheduling your program.
Email: | Phone: (516) 692-6768
Programs can be scheduled 7 days a week. Earliest start time is 10am on Monday through Saturday, or 12pm on Sunday. All programs must be completed by 5pm. Programs include up to 2 free leaders. All additional chaperones are charged the program fee.
Want to schedule a virtual program? Send us a Scouts Request Form for Virtual Programs.
3 Cheers for Animals!
Daisies can work toward their Birdbath Award as they tour through the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium. Through live animal encounters, and feeding the hungry trout, they will learn where these animals live, what they eat, what sounds they make, and how we take care of them.
1 hour, $96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
WOW! Wonders of Water
A tour through the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium will give Brownies an opportunity to view natural exhibits and learn about the aquatic habitats found in their communities. They will discover animals living in these habitats through close encounters with fishes, reptiles and amphibians.
1 hour, $96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
Looking to enhance your experience at CSHFHA? Choose one of the following additional 30 minute activities:
Life Cycles in Nature: Meet baby turtles, learn how a tadpole turns into a frog, and view fish in all stages of their life cycle.
Animal Adaptations: Learn about the amazing adaptations that aquatic animals have to help them survive in the wild.
Journey Through the Water Cycle: Take an incredible journey through the water cycle and learn where the water you drink today will end up tomorrow.
Water Wonders: Learn about the amazing properties of water through hands-on challenges.
Additional Cost: $48 for up to 12 people, $4 per additional person
Get Moving!
Use your own energy to take a journey through the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium. Discover how animals conserve energy, and how they use energy to move, communicate and find food.
1 hour, $96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
Looking to enhance your experience at CSHFHA? Choose one of the following additional 30 minute activities:
Artesian Wells: Learn how artesian wells work and how the Hatchery relies on them to supply water to our trout ponds.
Energy Audit: Find out how the Hatchery & Aquarium uses a geothermal system to heat and cool the Fairchild Exhibit Building. Complete an energy audit.
Additional Cost: $48 for up to 12 people, $4 per additional person
Become aware of the air around you. Take a tour of the Hatchery & Aquarium and learn how aquatic animals breathe, smell and use sounds to communicate.
1 hour, $96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
I Fish NY
Girl Scouts will learn about the importance of New York State’s fisheries as they tour the fish hatchery. They will also learn how to rig their own fishing rod before trying to catch a fish of their own! Girl Scouts will have a choice of taking their catch home for dinner or releasing it back into its habitat.
1.5 hour $180 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $15 per additional fisherperson, adults not fishing are free of charge
Hatchery & Aquarium Tour
Through live animal encounters and feeding the hungry trout, scouts will learn about the aquatic animals that live in their communities. Available topics include: Aquatic Habitats, Life Cycles in Nature, Adaptations, or a General Tour.
1 hour, $96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
Pond Life
Observing specimens collected from our Spring Pond, scouts study the interdependence of all living organisms in the food web. Samples from the pond will be examined upon collection and under our microscope in the classroom.
1 hour, $120 for up to 12 people, $10 per additional person
*Recommended for Juniors through Ambassadors.
Available mid-April through October.
Freshwater Ecology
Girl Scouts will explore and compare the inhabitants and characteristics of two freshwater ponds. After observing specimens from our Spring Pond, scouts will hike a nature trail and use dip nets, a seine, and buckets to actively investigate the animals and plants that live and interact in another aquatic site. Be prepared to get wet and muddy!
2 hours, $144 for up to 12 people, $12 per additional person
*Recommended for Juniors through Ambassadors.
Available May through September.
A group rate is available for scouting groups that wish to visit us, but do not want a guided program.
$1 discount off general admission, 15 person minimum
Must be scheduled in advance. All visitors must best present at time of check in with one person paying for the entire group
Please email a group rate request form form to schedule your visit.
Coordinate your visit with a hike through the neighboring St. John’s Pond Preserve. Or head over to the Cold Spring Harbor State Park to hike on the northern trailhead of the Nassau Suffolk Greenbelt Trail, located approximately ½ mile from the Hatchery.
Scouts will learn basic fishing skills before fishing for trout. Programs are designed to fulfill the requirements for each specific scouting level. Fishing is catch and release.
Lion: Go Fish – 1-hour, $200 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $16 per additional fisherperson
Tiger: Fish On – 1-hour, $200 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $16 per additional fisherperson
Wolf: A Wolf Goes Fishing – 1-hour, $200 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $16 per additional fisherperson
Bear: A Bear Goes Fishing – 1½-hours, $240 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $20 per additional fisherperson
Webelos: Catch the Big One – 1½-hours, $240 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $20 per additional fisherperson
Arrow of Light: Fishing – 1½-hours, $240 for up to 12 fisherpeople, $20 per additional fisherperson
The programs below are designed to fulfill the requirements for Cub Scout Adventures during the 2023-24 school year and earlier. Check back soon for new programs designed for the updated requirements.
Tigers in the Wild · Animal Encounter
Tiger Scouts will discover the secret world of aquatic life as they explore the Hatchery & Aquarium. They will have an opportunity to meet animals up close and feed the hungry trout.
Completes requirements #7 of the “Tigers in the Wild” adventure.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Tigers in the Wild · Nature Hike
Tiger Scouts will learn how to use their 5 senses to discover plants and animals all around them before completing a scavenger hunt as they hike through a local preserve.
Completes requirements #4 & #6 of the “Tigers in the Wild” adventure.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Finding Your Way
Wolf Scouts will learn how to use a map and compass to navigate before taking a hike in a local preserve.
Completes requirements #2-4 of the “Finding Your Way” adventure.
$144 for up to 12 people, $12 per additional person
1½-hour program
Furs, Feathers & Ferns · Animal Encounter
Bear Scouts will receive a close encounter with New York native aquatic wildlife as they tour the Hatchery & Aquarium. They will learn which animals are endangered and how we can work together to protect the animals that surround us.
Completes requirements #2-3 of the “Furs, Feathers & Ferns” adventure.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Furs, Feathers & Ferns · Nature Hike
Bear Scouts will complete a scavenger hunt as they take a short hike through a local preserve. Studying plants through a magnifying lens and observing wildlife from a distance will give scouts a better understanding of the natural wonders all around us.
Completes requirements #1 and #4-5 of the “Furs, Feathers & Ferns” adventure.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Into the Wild
Webelos Scouts will explore and compare the inhabitants of two freshwater ponds. After observing specimens from our Spring Pond, scouts will hike a nature trail and use nets to actively investigate the animals that live and interact in another aquatic site. Be prepared to get wet and muddy!
Completes the “Into the Wild” adventure.
$144 for up to 12 people, $12 per additional person
2-hour program, must start no later than 3pm
Seasonally available May through September.
Into the Woods
Webelos Scouts will venture into the woods to learn how trees and plants play an important role in nature and for people.
Completes requirements #1-3 and #5-7 of the “Into the Woods” adventure.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Hatchery & Aquarium Tour
Through live animal encounters and feeding the hungry trout, scouts will learn about the aquatic animals that live in their communities. Available topics include: Aquatic Habitats, Life Cycles in Nature, Adaptations, or a General Tour.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
A group rate is available for scouting groups that wish to visit us, but do not want a guided program.
$1 discount off general admission, 15 person minimum
Must be scheduled in advance. All visitors must be present a time of check in with one person paying for the entire group.
Please email a group rate request form to schedule your visit.
Coordinate your visit with a hike through the neighboring St. John’s Pond Preserve. Or head over to the Cold Spring Harbor State Park to hike on the northern trailhead of the Nassau Suffolk Greenbelt Trail, located approximately ½ mile from the Hatchery.
Many of the educational programs offered at the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium are great for Scouts BSA already working on a merit badge. During these programs, scouts can learn about fishes, reptiles, amphibians and aquatic invertebrates — all native to New York State.
Reptiles & Amphibians
With the largest living collection of native reptiles and amphibians in New York State, the Hatchery is uniquely prepared to educate scouts on these fascinating creatures. Learn where these animals live, what they consume, how they protect themselves, and why many species are endangered. Scouts will be able to get up close and personal with a variety of amazing creatures.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Hatcheries are vital to the management of our aquatic resources. Scouts are introduced to the inner workings of the fish hatchery, how we keep fish disease free, how we use natural artesian well water to minimize consumption, and how fish are collected and delivered safely to their new homes. Scouts will be able to tour the trout ponds and have an opportunity to feed the hungry trout.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Hatchery & Aquarium Tour
Through live animal encounters and feeding the hungry trout, scouts will learn about the aquatic animals that live in their communities.
$96 for up to 12 people, $8 per additional person
1-hour program
Freshwater Ecology
Explore and compare the inhabitants and characteristics of two freshwater ponds. After observing specimens from our Spring Pond, students will hike a nature trail and use dip nets, seines and buckets to actively investigate the animals and plants that live and interact in another aquatic site. Be prepared to get wet and muddy! Old shoes and clothes are necessary.
$144 for up to 12 people, $12 per additional person
2-hour program
Available May through September.
Pond Life
Observing specimens collected from our Spring Pond, scouts study the concepts of predator-prey and producer-consumer relationships, as well as the interdependence of all living organisms in the food web. Samples from the pond will be examined upon collection and under our microscope in the classroom.
$120 for up to 12 people, $10 per additional person
1-hour program
Available mid-April through October.
Group Rate
A group rate is available for scouting groups that wish to visit us, but do not want a guided program. For groups with a minimum of 15 people.
$1 discount off general admission
Must be scheduled in advance. All visitors must be present at time of check in with 1 person paying for the entire group.
Please email a group rate request form to schedule your visit.
Are you working on a merit badge? Visit the Fish Hatchery to gain the knowledge needed to fulfill your merit badge requirements. The below list is a guideline to how some of our educational programs can help you achieve your merit badge. Working on a specific requirement not listed below? Contact the Hatchery to setup a custom program for your troop.
I am working on the Fish and Wildlife Management merit badge…
Participate in the Aquaculture program to learn about the inner workings of the Hatchery and why hatcheries are vital to the management of the native fish populations. Watch the wildlife around the Hatchery and let our exhibit animals teach you about local aquatic animals during the Hatchery & Aquarium Tour and Reptiles & Amphibians programs. During the Freshwater Ecology program we are sure to find wildlife as we hike through the preserve to Franklin’s Pond, where we will use nets to collect aquatic animals.
I am working on the Reptile and Amphibian Study merit badge…
What better way to learn about these animals than to visit the largest living collection of reptiles and amphibians in New York State? The Reptiles & Amphibians tour will give you an opportunity to have a close encounter with many of the aquatic turtles, snakes, frogs and salamanders that live in New York. Want to learn about freshwater fish also? Let one of our educators guide you on a Hatchery & Aquarium Tour.
I am working on the Nature merit badge…
Learn about the fishes, reptiles and amphibians that live in New York State during a Hatchery & Aquarium Tour or Reptiles & Amphibians program. See birds and small mammals around the Hatchery. Collect the aquatic insects eaten by fish and other animals during a Pond Life or Freshwater Ecology program. The Freshwater Ecology program will also take you on a nature hike to Franklin’s Pond where we will use nets to collect macroinvertebrates and hopefully some fish and amphibians.
I am working on the Insect Study merit badge…
Search through samples of pond water or hike to a nearby pond to get an up close look at various species of aquatic insects during our Pond Life and Freshwater Ecology programs.
Take a Hike!
Coordinate your visit with a hike through the neighboring St. John’s Pond Preserve. Or head over to the Cold Spring Harbor State Park to hike on the northern trailhead of the Nassau Suffolk Greenbelt Trail, located approximately ½ mile from the Hatchery.
Join Our Email List for CSHFHA Events and Programs:
The Hatchery sells brook and rainbow trout for stocking purposes. If you are interested in purchasing trout, contact Steve DeSimone, Director, at (516) 692-6768. Trout pricing and delivery charges are subject to change. Please contact the Hatchery for the most up to date pricing. We’ll deliver a few dozen for backyard ponds or hundreds for sportsmen clubs. Place your orders early to ensure your preferred delivery date.